Monday, November 20, 2006

Things That Make You Go Hmmmmm...

You get out of your car and go into the store. You're just picking up a couple of "necessities" hair dye and lip gloss.

You get back in your car, purchases in hand, only to feel something on the back of your pants.

Oh no. Oh no. It is ketchup. Left over from your drive home from the big city. Who said eating an A&W Teen Burger combo in the dark while driving [and singing] was easy?

You feel silly. The sales clerk didn't mention anything. Oh no. Did she even know it was ketchup? She probably thought it know.

And then you feel it. The ketchup package also stuck to your pants AND a pickle. Yep, I'm sure she thought it was ketchup.


Sean said...

i'm laughing to hard to craft an appropriate response... thank you. i'm also going back to the other post with the picture to try and picture ketchup and a pickle.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha seriously? That's just classic... somebody should put that in a movie!

Anonymous said...

Oh no, that's just awful, (even if it is very funny for the rest of us) I suppose the only thing that could have been worse would have been if you had been wearing a skirt and managed to hook some of that into your undies as well.

Anonymous said...

O.O How would they possible end up in her underwear?

Erika said...

Sean: Glad I could amuse :)

Awesome: I would happily contribute this experience to cinema. Perhaps Drew Barrymore could play me in the movie?

Jane: Yes, that would have been slightly worse and earned me the nickname "pickle panties". Fortunately, right now in Canada it's almost 0 degrees so I would have been wearing nylons with a skirt. Yeah cold weather!

Kirsten Sampson said...

Is some of my personality rubbing off on you or has that goofy gene always been there. This story reminds me of all those times I wore black dress pants to my classes in University and somehow I always ended up with white shit all over my bum. Oh those were the days, walking down the hall like your all that with white crap all over you ass.