Here's an illustration my soul passed along. I think it's trying to tell me something.
Perhaps that I should stick to writing and not drawing...
Or maybe that I look good in the color purple!
No, no...it must be that I should take up carpentry ;)
Literally, it may mean that the last man on Earth may not have any hands. Which would be a shame. How else is he going to help tear down those walls I've built?
What kind of illustrations is your soul drawing?
Marsha Norman is a idiot and has far too much time to think. Dreams are nothing but brainwaves firing while your body slips into a paralyzed state. I learned that off of 20/20 or Dateline.
Breathe Kiki breathe. I'd better tell b-i-l to help you create some sweet dreams ;)
If Kirsten is right, I have some INTERESTING brain waves.
Peter: Perhaps if you tell me a bit more about these interesting brain waves of yours [you know, in the pursuit of research], it may help us prove that Kirsten's theory is wrong ;)
Erika: It could take a while. You've read my blog. My brain is a scary, scary place.
Yes it is. But I'm willing to go there with you. Unless there's spiders involved...I'm girlie like that. Too scary, like KD Lang's barber.
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