Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Ta-Dah...I'm In Love!

I can't keep it secret any longer. I am in love.

And you will be too.

Just run out and buy the new Scissor Sister's CD so appropriately named "Ta-Dah". Hey after all, if it's good enough for Elton John to guest "play" on then you know it's gotta be something to give a listen to. But seriously...

Sporting catching song titles like, "She's My Man", "Kiss You Off", "Ooh" and "Paul McCartney" the song lyrics are surprisingly naughty (though you may have to read the inner jacket to figure it out). Other times things take a brief turn for dark during tunes like "The Other Side".

Ofcourse, the uber popular single "I Don't Feel Like Dancing" is also included, and despite the title, will definately make you feel like dancing.

And I'm sure the slapstick vodville sounding "I Can't Decide" is about my ex-husband. Shhhh....

If all 12 songs were ice cream, none of them would be the same flavour. We're talking Chocolate, Very Berry Blast AND Moon Mist. There's no Vanilla here folks. Tracks like "Lights" feature Bee Gees inspired disco-esque beats, enticing even the most hardened criminal into doing the hustle. No, not THAT hustle, the dance. "Ooh" will have you doing the running man...guaranteed. "Intermission" sounds like it could have been featured on The Beatles "Sgt. Pepper".

I mean, look at them - don't they look like they know how to have fun?

Point blank, this CD is a drag queen beauty pagent, fashion show runway and dance party all rolled into one. It's so good that it should come with a warning (or at least you should warn your neighbors) that listening to this CD will result in extreme dancing. Perhaps you might want to close those blinds!


Anonymous said...

Oh my Gosh! I LOVE them too!

My computer and I are having a bit of a disagreement these days. Every time I try and upload "I Don't Feel Like Dancing" to my MP3 player, the computer tells me it is already in there and it won't upload it. It isn't on the bloody thing, I am sure of it. My computer hates me for some reason.

Anyway, if you want to have a bit of fun, go to http://www.dancesisterdance.com . You can put your face on a dancer and dance to "I Don't Feel like Dancing". You can dance alone or with a partner. You get to pick out your clothes, and you decide if you want to be a sexy dancer or a goofy dancer.

Kirsten Sampson said...

They are extremely good. Considering I had only heard one song on their CD Every song is catchy and you just want to let loose and dance.

Erika said...

Amy: Wal-Mart has their CD on sale - it's worth the $14.99 to get the whole thing.

Kiki: Did B-i-l want to let loose and dance too?

Kirsten Sampson said...

What do you think?