Ok, so I made that up. But just hear me out...
Normally this month is strickly reserved for those currently in their honeymoon phase of dating, in a mushy livin'-in-sin relationship or a marriage that just won't quit. While single people become casualties left to rot on the side of the unpaved road of love.
Until now...
February is quickly becoming the month when well-meaning marrieds adopt poor unfortunate singletons around the world. Husbands and wives vow to take their single friend under their wing for guidance and support, blah blah etc. etc.
Personally, I think it's a good cause. To show my support, I emailed my girlfriends, offering myself up for adoption. [Sigh] Making the world a better place, one hook-up at a time.
So how about you, are you thinking of adoption?
[Bloggers Note: I have now been formally adopted by two couples (and counting!)]
Not sure that I'd want any advice from the couples I know.
That sounds kinky!
It seems to be the 3 year olds of couples that want to adopt me - apparently my bed time story reading is "special". Ah well, least somebody wants me.
Peter: I hope they're not reading this :)
Amy: It's not. Though not for a lack of good looks from the lot of us.
James: Nothing beats a good bed time story. Whether you're 3 or 30. Hey wait, I'm 30! Coincidence...
In which case maybe I'll read you a story some time.
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