After a lengthy dating drought I seem to have found myself smack dab in the middle of a romantic rain storm. And I like it.
After sucessfully being adopted by three (and a half) couples, one of them got down to business straight away - with a charming British chap that worked with her sister (I'm such a sucker for an accent). Then ofcourse my sweet coworker was on a matchmaking mission with the pilot.
Having choices are good. Needing index cards to record and track information to keep it straight, is not.
I guess we all have a burden to bare ;)
Maybe it was the list holding you back? Now that you've discarded it, the flood gates have opened.
You go girl!
just make sure you come up for air.
wow. enjoy!
A girl needs lots of choices when it comes to men.
Hurray for mandemonium! Like "it's easier to get a job when you have one," except with men. Competition is a great aphrodisiac...
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