Only there'll be no maneuvering to launch a torpedo and take out a sub, or be boarded (well, ok maybe a bit of that). But really, I will find out if the old adage is correct...that the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
I sent an email to my coworkers Mary (aka Undercover Mother) and Rowan requesting their assistance with my dilemma. I asked Rowan to name the most delicious mouth watering sinful dessert he's ever tasted. I asked Mary to name the easiest dish she's ever made that yielded the greatest results, er, I mean compliments.
Rowan replied with a discription of a three layed cake his mum used to make (white, "pink" and chocolate with frosting on each layer). It sounded completely disgusting. And apparently she's never used a recipe in her life, she kept it all "up here". As I'm reading the email I can picture Rowan pointing to his head. I think he's trying to derail my dessert plans.
Mary, on the other hand, replied with four little words... "Sex In A Pan."
At first, I though she was just being funny - mostly about my [in]ability to cook, but more importantly that it doesn't matter what I make. It can be a simple dish, but tempting and as hot as hell.
As it turns out, Sex In A Pan is an actual dish. But Mary didn't know the recipe. Luckily, my coworker Mandy has it memorized (no, I didn't ask questions). So now I too have the recipe.
If only I knew what to wear...Pants? Skirt? Dress?
Hmmm...I might have to poll the men on this one.
Uncover Mother read my mind!! It's a fabulous dessert! That combined with Dirty Scrabble......
He's seen you in jeans so go with a skirt or dress with your high heeled boots! Or if you do go with jeans do the boots anyway!:)
I can't speak for any man, but I know that food is the best way to my heart. I've never eaten "sex in a pan" because I'm vegetarian, but it looks delightful. And for anyone reading that may be wondering what isn't vegetarian about "sex in a pan" it's the marshmallows.
As far as your outfit goes, I like wearing skirts for casual dressing, but I tend to wear pants for dressing up. Go figure. Pants show off the ass, skirts show off the legs. Pick your best asset and run with it.
Oh, wait now. I just thought of something. This is the 3rd date right? If you want to make it easier for him (you know what I mean) wear the skirt. If you want to hold out a bit longer (and that's never a bad idea), wear pants.
I would suggest wearing a dress and heels (with a skirt and heels as my second choice), for two reasons:
1. It will give you fewer items to remove when you play scrabble -- and you definitely want to ensure that you lose.
2. You will look much nicer stripping.
Charlene: Yes, the boots are a given. But I'll probably be taking them off at his house (so I don't appear rude leaving footwear on indoors even if it is sexy footwear).
Amy: There's no marshmellows in the recipe I got from Mandy. While I agree with the pants point and would like to show off my butt, he hasn't seen me in a skirt. But then I'd have to wear pantyhose because we live in Canada and it's cold. Pantyhose do not = sexy. And I will definately be holding out - except for a kiss.
Starboard Tack: Oh my, it will be a regular game of Scrabble (this time around anyway).
Even if you're holding out, go with the dress. It's sexy, so it'll distract him and make beating him at Scrabble easier. And a smart girl is an even sexier girl. You'll have him at your mercy. (Or is that just me?)
James: I think you're on to something here :) I just might wear my glasses for that subtle sexy librarian look.
Really? No marshmallows? I want that recipe. But don't give it to me until mid-May when I'm finished my diet.
Amy: That's probably a good idea. It's filled with yummy sinful igredients.
Don't over do it. Where something naturally sexy, not so sexy all he is thinking the whole time is, you know. If you wear a skirt, play down the top but if you wear pants play up the top.
so. you know. details?
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