Thursday, June 21, 2007

This Is The Song That Never Ends...

Do you ever find yourself at work [wait...there's more].

And you're stuck in a mindless, endless, meeting that's heading into a third round of the "what if" game [wait...there's more].

You're beyond paying attention. So, to amuse yourself, you start to sing. To yourself. In your head.

You probably have a "go to" song for such an occasion. Me too! Mine's a little ditty called "Uncle Fucka"
made popular by my fellow Canadians and South Park stars, Terrance and Phillip.

The longer the meeting goes on, the louder I sing the song in my head. There's even a little jig I picture myself doing on top of the boardroom table
(which looks a lot like a Dick VanDyke routine from Mary Poppins) while I belt out the style!

Fun times my friend, fun times.

1 comment:

Alan said...

When the grey men in grey suits drone on about, "Reshaping the organisation to maximise customer touchpoint potential" I can't help but mentally hum, "Bright Side of Life" from "Life of Brian".

OK so that may have been too long a sentence, but here's a Youtube snippet: